Posts Tagged ‘Niigaki Risa’


Again and Again

April 30, 2009

I will try until I can’t.

Somewhere deep inside every fan, there’s always that desire to show love and loyalty to his favorite band. However, not every fan will choose to respond to that desire. Some fans might even take it too far.

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January 22, 2009

Our beloved duo goes high tension while promoting Niigaki Risa’s Alo-Hello! 2 DVD. Please check it out!



The Untouchable Two: GAKIKAME

November 20, 2008

1. Kamei Eri (Morning Musume)
She can mesmerize me in a thousand ways, probably. She can pull off all sorts of “looks.” Eri is charming, physically attractive, and I know that everything she says will always give me a good laugh or two. On top of all that, she has the sweetest voice. But the one thing that draws me to her the most is her genuineness – I know that she will never let me down as an artist.

1. Niigaki Risa (Morning Musume)
I have few soft spots, and she hits them all. She’s beautiful, hard-working, genuine, and smiley – seriously, what more could I ask for? I love her energy, her enthusiasm, and the 100% effort she puts into everything she does. She’s a Musume because she loves the group. Now when it comes down to that one thing that makes me go crazy about her, as pathetic as it sounds, I’ll have to say it’s her smile. Because just by looking at her smile, I can spaz about every little thing I love about her, for hours and hours until you get sick of my voice.
